Humand offers all the features you had on Workplace and much more. Migrate effortlessly, keeping all your data, with no setup fees and a dedicated migration team to guide you every step of the way.
Manage everything in one place through our modules
Streamline communication among collaborators with video, voice calls and chat, and share all kinds of files.
Post updates, create groups and enable a quick and direct connection between collaborators.
Stream live events to all employees and increase engagement and interaction within your company.
Provide employees a centralized hub for easy access to all company perks and benefits.
Automate and standardize onboarding and offboarding processes with a custom flow.
Facilitate access to recurring documents and paystubs through an organized and secure channel to view and sign documents.
Streamline case management. Easily submit requests, track progress, and efficiently resolve cases.
Organize and provide quick access to important documents including all types of files.
Congratulate employees on their birthdays and work anniversaries within the company to build stronger team dynamics.
Recognize and reward employees for their achievements and foster an environment of self-improvement.
Manage performance reviews, track goals, and provide continuous feedback to collaborators.
Provide easy access to training content, empowering your workforce to learn anytime, anywhere.
Gather information about the employee's experience, identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Just like you have them on Workplace!
Increase engagement and interaction within your company during live events and have face-to-face conversations with your colleagues to make decisions quickly.
Active customers
Paying users
Employees in Humand
Talk with a specialist to learn more about the migration program and our all-in-one app of internal communication, culture, and HR processes.